Terms and Conditions
As a CE Coordinator in the MLI incentive program (CECIP), I agree that I will not participate as a Learner in MLI activities.
As a CE Coordinator in the MLI incentive program (CECIP), I agree that I will submit an IRS W-9 form nearing the IRS threshold for a calendar year when prompted by MLI to do so. Failure to submit a completed form at that time may result in delayed payment or cessation of participation in the CECIP.
As a CE Coordinator in the MLI incentive program (CECIP), I understand that I am solely responsible for ensuring that the Learner associated with my CECIP Code reports are accurate. Any observed discrepancy in number must be submitted in writing to partnerships@MLIeducation.org for further consideration.
I agree that any Learners who use my CECIP Code and are found to be misleading or fraudulent may result in their disqualification as a Learner.
I agree that misuse or fraudulent activity in the CECIP Program may result in my CECIP account cancellation without payment and is at the sole discretion of Medical Learning Institute, Inc.
I agree that these Terms and Conditions can be updated or modified at any time at the sole discretion of Medical Learning Institute, Inc.
I agree that Medical Learning Institute, Inc. reserves the right to cancel the CECIP Program anytime.